'This is a nightmare': Hayward mother arrested after police find a child's torso amidst search for missing 8-twelvemonth-old

Dearest JOAN: Is information technology OK to scare squirrels off using a BB gun, even if I hit them occasionally?

Mike Shaw, Whittier

DEAR MIKE: Information technology's probably not a good idea to apply a BB gun to scare off squirrels, peculiarly if you lot occasionally hit them. While a BB isn't likely to kill, it can injure — yes, our mothers were right most putting out an eye — and as squirrels don't accept good health care plans, even minor wounds can go infected and somewhen kill the animal in a prolonged and cruel fashion.

There's too state police to consider. While it'due south legal to trap Eastern gray squirrels on your property, the Western greyness squirrel — a California native — is protected at all times except during hunting season, which usually runs from mid September to January.

In that example, you'd need a hunting license, only before you start planning to get ane, you should know that Los Angeles County and much of Southern California are in a zone where at that place is no hunting season for the squirrels.

State game laws still permit y'all to trap Eastern grays on your belongings, but the Western grays would require special permission from the state.

I'd save the Bulletin board system for target shooting of inanimate objects. Your neighbors might be relieved equally well.

DEAR JOAN: House wrens started to build a nest in one of the two hanging plants in our backyard.

The hanging plants, which are in full bloom, are for the hummingbird that is hatching her eggs in one of the trees too in our backyard. Nosotros have two hummingbird feeders as well. We have had hummies for the concluding six years.

My trouble now is how to h2o the hanging plant, not knowing exactly where the nest is. The hanging found is about 6-feet high but I did non attempt to look closer. I'd rather lose the plant altogether than drive him away. I can purchase another plant, simply I value your advice.

Anna, Wedlock City

DEAR ANNA: Nosotros sometimes face hard decisions in trying to live in harmony with nature. I appreciate that you don't desire to do anything to disturb the nest and the birds.

It probably would be simpler to become another plant for the hummingbirds and leave Mama and Papa wren solitary, but if you can pinpoint the location of the nest, you could water off to the side.

An easy way would exist to put a few ice cubes in the pot and let them water the plant every bit they melt. However, the birds probably will be in the nest only for nearly a month, and your plant might exist able to withstand a brusk drought.

DEAR JOAN: I know well-nigh cities take ternion laws, only practise they require that the leash be under the control of a competent person?

During my morning walk recently, I passed a small child walking alone with a large canis familiaris that he could not command if it became necessary.

George, Walnut Creek

Love GEORGE: Leash laws vary in different jurisdictions, just I didn't find any that had an age requirement. However, all the ones I checked require that the dog be under the control of the handler. In this case, information technology would be a possible violation if the child was unable to command the dog. It'south good to teach children responsibility in caring for pets, just they need adult fill-in.